Battlefield 3 |OT| Got 99 problems, but Call of Duty ain't one!


Apr 16, 2009

Developer: DICE
Publisher: EA
Platforms: PC, Xbox 360 & PS3
Release Date: October 25th, 2011 (NA), October 28th, 2011 (EU)

  • Utilizing FROSTBITE 2.0:
    • The next generation of Frostbite will debut with Battlefield 3. It will take full advantage of the DirectX 11 API and 64-bit processors, with no support for DirectX 9 (which means no Windows XP support).
  • Destruction 3.0: With Frostbite 2.0 comes the Destruction 3.0 engine. This engine allows debris that can injure/kill players and micro-destruction, as well.
  • Suppressive Fire: When you fire at an enemy and your shots go near him, the enemy's health regeneration stops and resets, their accuracy drops, and the edges of their screen become blurred. While suppression is most effective with the Support class and their LMG's, any weapon is capable of suppressing an enemy.
  • Disable Vehicles: Vehicles can now be disabled before they are destroyed. This makes land vehicles immobile (but turrets are still operable), while air vehicles become extremely difficult to control. When a vehicle is disabled, it can be repaired, but will also slowly bleed health.
  • Vehicle Health Regeneration: Vehicles will now slowly regenerate health when damaged. Repairs from an Engineer are still far more effective, and regen is canceled if the vehicle is disabled. Vehicles will start regenerating when it is under 75% health (server option).
  • Weapon Fire Modes: Returning from Battlefield 2, we have the option of choosing what fire-mode some weapons can fire in, instead of a single fixed mode. Press V to change fire mode from Automatic, to Burst, to Single shot if the weapon supports various fire modes.
  • Prone: The ability to go prone returns from Battlefield 2. The player is also able to dive, though there is a delay in the ability to fire as the player does so.
  • Scope Glare: If a high power (6x and above) and is aimed in the direction of a player, a visible glare/glint shines off of the scope. This was added to balance the addition of the prone position.
  • Commo-Rose: The Commo-Rose is back! (PC only)
  • BattleRecorder: A feature to record gameplay and screenshots.

Minimum requirements for Battlefield 3
OS: Windows Vista or Windows 7
Processor: Core 2 Duo 2.4 GHz or Althon X2 2.7 GHz
Graphic card: DirectX 10 or 11 compatible Nvidia or AMD ATI card, ATI Radeon 3870 or higher, Nvidia GeForce 8800 GT or higher.
Graphics card memory: 512 MB
Sound card: DirectX compatibl sound card
Hard drive: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version

Recommended system requirements for Battlefield 3
OS: Windows 7 64-bit
Processor: Quad-core Intel or AMD CPU
Graphics card: DirectX 11 Nvidia or AMD ATI card, Nvidia GeForce GTX 560 or ATI Radeon 6950.
Graphics card memory: 1 GB
Sound card: DirectX compatibl sound card
Hard drive: 15 GB for disc version or 10 GB for digital version

Battlefield 3 will feature a fully fledged singleplayer campaign, which will span from Iraq/Iran, to Paris, France, and to New York City as well. The first portion of the campaign is set on the border of Iran/Iraq, and has the player assuming the role of Sgt. Black, who is part of a Marine unit that is tasked on a mission to investigate possible insurgents, when your squad comes under fire.

  • Online (no split-screen capability)
  • 6 maps available at launch
  • 2 players
  • Separate from the single-player campaign but shares environments with SP & MP locations
  • Levels will vary from stealth missions to large battles.
  • Length is about 3 hours.
  • Co-op missions are dynamic, with varying difficulty, giving them a high replay value.
  • Weapons unlocked in co-op can be used in regular multiplayer.
  • Players will be able to revive each other if they die
  • Gamescom Demo:

  • Up to 64 players (PC). Up to 24 players (X360/PS3)
  • PC Server Browser is Battlelog only. Consoles have in-game server browser ala BC2.
  • Squad and Platoon (Clan) support in Battlelog
  • LAN connectivity not included at launch due to security reasons. May be added later.
  • Hardcore mode returns
  • New Infantry-only mode DEATHMATCH has been added for players to test their skills without the aid of vehicles
  • Full Weapons list
  • Full Vehicle list
  • Platoons (Clans):
    • Manged via Battlelog.
    • Anyone can create and join a platoon.
    • Platoons have their own statistics and leaderboards.
    • Members can be invited or become fans of Platoons.
    • There is a platoon-specific news feed that shows player’s their platoon activity.
    • To join a platoon, a player must apply for membership.


The Assault class carries a primary weapon consisting of an assault rifle — like the M16 and AK-74 — and is now merged with the medic class — the Assault class can now heal and revive teammates. It can also function as a more offensive class with ability to swap out the revive kit for a grenade launcher.
The confirmed weapons for the Assault class so far are:
  • M16A4 assault rifle for USMC, AK-74M for Russian side.
  • M9 sidearm for USMC, MP-443 for Russian.
  • Grenade launcher or defibrillator kit.


The Support class returns to its role it had in Battlefield 2, with its main purpose to provide heavy fire from a Light Machine Gun (like an M249 SAW), and resupply teammates with ammunition. In Battlefield 3, the Support class is broadened with the ability top use lighter weapons and assault rifles like the M4, as well as C4 explosives.
The confirmed weapons of the Support class so far are:
  • M249 SAW for USMC, RPK for Russian side.
  • M9 sidearm for USMC, MP-443 for Russian.
  • The ability to use lighter weapons with attachments like the M27.
  • Ammo pack to resupply teammates.
  • Ability to mount LMGs on surfaces for greater accuracy.


Engineer class in Battlefield 3 is very similar to the class in Bad Company 2: its primary role is to engage tanks and armored vehicles with an array of rocket launchers such as the RPG-7 and the SMAW, or use anti tank mines. The primary weapon is a carbine rifle, with a variety of unlocks available, ranging from shotguns to sub machine guns.
  • Main heavy weapon includes the SMAW for USMC and RPG-7 for Russian side
  • Primary weapon is a carbine (like an M4 or AK-74U).
  • Rocket launchers can be swapped with anti tank mines.
  • Repair tool for repairing friendly vehicles.
  • M9 sidearm for USMC, MP-443 for Russian.


Recon class carries a sniper rifle for long range engagement, but for Battlefield 3, the Recon class has a more active role as well. The Recon also has the ability to use a laser designator to mark targets.
Recon weapons:
  • Semi automatic sniper rifle, MK11 for USMC, SVD for Russian side.
  • Will have a wide variety of team-play oriented gadgets.
  • M9 sidearm for USMC, MP-443 for Russian.
  • Can set mobile squad spawn point and mobile motion sensor

  • Players: 32 (PC), 24 (Consoles)
  • Focus: Objective-based all-out Warfare.
  • Goal: Attack/defend M-COM stations
  • Victory conditions:
    • Attackers - Destroy all M-COM stations
    • Defenders - Deplete the attackers' respawn tickets
  • Description - The Rush game-mode was confirmed at E3, where the Operation Métro trailer/map was revealed. The main essense of the game-mode has changed very little, with attackers trying to destroy M-COM stations and defenders trying to kill the attackers. However, in Battlefield 3 there are three main changes to the game-mode - only the M-COM charge can destroy the station, instead of the charge and explosives; if the attackers run out of tickets while the M-COM charge is still active, the game will continue until the charge is disarmed or the M-COM destroyed; and if the timer on an armed M-COM charge runs out when a defender is disarming the charge, the charge will continue until the defender disarms it or is killed. As an all-out warfare mode, Rush features a large variety of vehicle setups tuned specifically to that map’s landscape and features. Players can find all types of vehicles on Rush maps, including transport vehicles, armored vehicles, helicopters, and of course, jets. Rush offers a compelling objective based all-out warfare game mode for Battlefield veterans.

Squad Rush
  • Players: 8 (4 vs 4)
  • Focus: Squad-based Infantry Combat
  • Goal: Attack/defend M-COM stations
  • Victory Conditions:
    • Attackers - Destroy all M-COM stations
    • Defenders - Deplete the attackers tickets
  • Description: Returning from Battlefield: Bad Company 2, Squad Rush is a test to show which of two squads is the superior unit. Squad Rush is an extremely tight duel between two squads that borrows the main rules from the normal Rush mode, but in a much more confined setting. In Squad Rush there are only 2 bases with 1 M-COM station per base, meaning that every M-COM taken or defended in Squad Rush is vital to the victory or defeat of the game. There are no vehicles in Squad Rush, making the game-mode more about infantry skills and tactics rather than brute force and firepower.

  • Players: 24/32/64 (PC), 24 (Consoles)
  • Focus: Objective-based all-out warfare.
  • Goal: Capture and hold flags.
  • Victory Conditions: Deplete the opposing team's ticket.
  • Description: Conquest is the most classic of Battlefield game modes. Introduced in Battlefield 1942, Conquest has been as staple of the entire Battlefield series throughout it's entirety. Set over a series of large-scale maps, Conquest is the game mode best suited for the experience of all-out vehicle warfare. In Conquest, two teams fight for control of a number of flags by being the dominant force in the vicinity of each base. Capture and keep control of a majority of the flags and the enemy team will bleed tickets. Killing enemies will also reduce their ticket count, and the first team to run out of tickets loses. Conquest is a strategic and tactical game that often asks players to make important decisions on whether to attack an enemy base or defend one of your own. The limited forces available to each side will rarely be enough to hold each and every flag in the map, so in-game communication and quick thinking is necessary to be victorious.

Squad Deathmatch
  • Players: 16 (4 squads of 4)
  • Squad-based Infantry Combat
  • Goal: Eliminate a set number of enemy combatants
  • Victory Conditions: The squad that reaches the designated number of kills first wins.
  • Infantry Fighting Vehicle is an advantage for team who aquires it.
  • Description: Squad Deathmatch is a larger and more dynamic variety of deathmatch that also features the inclusion of an Infantry Fighting Vehicle (IFV). The IFV can help break any stalemate in the game, as long as a squad keep it alive. The 4 squad setup means that there is a constant battle throughout the game to gain and maintain the lead. Sticking together, keeping squad members healed up, supplied, and vehicles repaired are the keys to victory. The squad that can combine the potent Battlefield mix of team play and combat prowess will be proven the winner.

Team Deathmatch
  • Players (PC and Consoles): 24
  • Focus: Team-based Infantry combat
  • Goal: Eliminate a set number of enemy combatants
  • Victory Conditions: The team that reaches the designated number of kills first is declared winner.
  • Description: Team Deathmatch is of the true classics when it comes to multiplayer game modes, and a game mode that makes its first appearance in the Battlefield series. In Team Deathmatch, two teams of 12 players fight it out on tight knit maps with a distinct infantry focus – there are no vehicles available in Team Deathmatch. For that quick instant action fix, this is the perfect game mode. For players new to Battlefield, this is a good place to start. Once players get the hang of the infantry gameplay, they can move on to deeper modes that include the signature vehicle warfare for which Battlefield is known and loved. Attack and fighter jets will be avaliable in Rush as well as in Conquest. DICE plans to have all maps available for all modes at launch. At launch, there will be no "Air Superiority" (jets-only) mode, though it may be added at a later date. Also hardcore and infantry-only options are present.
Note: The infantry-only option only removes all classes of vehicles except transports, such as the HMMWV, RIB, etc.

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Sep 15, 2008
Wow Chhowni
Great job with the OT Necro (y) Very informative.
I would definitely have tried the MP had it not been for my rig :'( Looks great.


L'obscurité vous entoure
Dec 5, 2010
Look what i found!! :D :D

Official EA response regarding VPN

There are NO restrictions on using a VPN to play the game
Aaron W.: As of right now, there are no restrictions listed, however, we have had issues in previous EA games with customers having trouble connecting over VPN. If you have connection issues while playing BF3, please feel free to contact us.
isaac: So I can play on my korean vpn to play battlefield 3?
isaac: just for confirmation
Aaron W.: As far as my research shows, there should be no issues with connecting over a VPN with Battlefield 3

isaac: Ok with my VPN it says on the Battlefield release date check that I can play on the 24th at 4pm GMT
isaac: Is that okay?
Aaron W.: Battlefield 3 will launch on the 25th at 12:01 Korean Standard Time.
isaac: So I am allowed to play it then using my VPN?
Aaron W.: The game will only be accessible after that time.
isaac: I can play it at that time using my korean vpn?
Aaron W.: Yes, that is correct.
isaac: Even though I live in England
isaac: Thanks for the confirmation
Aaron W.: Not a problem, Isaac, is there anything else I can do for you today?
isaac: That is all thanks for the confirmation

Aaron W.: Thank you for contacting EA Support, have a great day, Isaac!

1 hour 40 minutes left
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Journeys End

No Compromises!
Jun 16, 2008
Donno i m lost!!
a little disappointed by the JETS list...F18 hornet and the russian counterpart are old and i mean really old.i thought we wil get F22 raptors,MiG 35 etc etc.atleast they were kind enough to include the new super cobra and A10.


Alpha Cure Mom
May 16, 2009
^Which software are you using ? It's still saying the unlock date is 28th for me.

Solid Monki

Jul 20, 2007
man any alternative to flyvpn?
people are alreasdy playing

PS: FlyVPN is not working for me. giving errors.

Also when done, just start with -SP prefix on the shortcut and it works. Not for me just yet :(
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  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    CerebralTiger said:
    what on earth are these games even :ROFLMAO:
    Games you would include in your list if they weren't on PC 🤣
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    CerebralTiger said:
    Every game on that list is far, far better than Borenarok from my perspective 😆🤜
    Metacritic to kuch aur hi bata raha hai, who cares about your perspective 🤜🤣
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    CerebralTiger said:
    Luckily for me, I don't count experiences as games 😆🤜
    Yet you listed The Lulz Guardian and 13 Sentilulz as games 🤣🤣🤣
  • XPremiuM XPremiuM:
    lol. Nintendo games are literally for kids. But to burst some bubbles, I'd like to point out that there are numerous Nintendo emulators available for PC, including multiple Switch emulators. Game compatibility is also pretty good, with overrated games like " Super Mario Odyssey ", "Breath of the WIld" & "Xenoblade Chronicles 2" all being playable. Sour grapes are hard to swallow, i know... :sneaky:
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    Reactions: Necrokiller
  • CerebralTiger CerebralTiger:
    Lore lei? Am I reading this right? :ROFLMAO:
  • CerebralTiger CerebralTiger:
    Necrokiller said:
    1000xRESIST, Hades 2, Solium Infernum, Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, Minishoot Adventures, Mullet Madjack, Anamoly Agent, BlazBlue Entropy Effect, Buckshot Roulette, Berserk Boy, Momodora: Moonlit Farewell.
    The what? Outside of early access stuff like Hades 2 and Blazblue, which will be on consoles once they're out of early access, what on earth are these games even :ROFLMAO:
  • CerebralTiger CerebralTiger:
    Necrokiller said:
    Now list the ones already out too. God of War is better than any title on this list👌😂
    Every game on that list is far, far better than Borenarok from my perspective 😆🤜
  • CerebralTiger CerebralTiger:
    Necrokiller said:
    The best VR game ever will be playable on it, so it's not useless weight now. You just don't need a PS5 for it so 💪😂
    Luckily for me, I don't count experiences as games 😆🤜
  • CerebralTiger CerebralTiger:
    These misconceptions are downright hilarious. The best console games are made by Nintendo, and you get nothing from them on PC. And I laughed so hard at "better online experience". Literally the worst place to play any multiplayer game is PC. Cheater/hacker heaven of a platform :sick:
  • XPremiuM XPremiuM:
    PC gaming is literally at the peak of elitism right now. Literally all the best games from all the other platforms ends up on PC with better graphics/performance. The traditional PC advantages are also present (better performance/graphics on multi-platform games), better online experience, better game stores, best older games compatibility, emulator support, best mod support, best trainer support, and the list is endless. The console kids can point out at specific individual games & be like "but mah game is nawt availabul on yer platzformm", an i say " we really don't care". Nobody cares about a missing dish when you're at the buffet & can enjoy all the best dishes. :sneaky:
    • Like
    Reactions: Necrokiller and iampasha
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    CerebralTiger said:
    IGN ne tou TOTK ko dia. They own most other gaming publications now. Will knock some sense into them 😆🤜
    How does that change anything?
    History has been made now. 🤜 :LOL:
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    Thats just from these past 5 months that is not on PS5. "All good stuff" :ROFLMAO:
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    CerebralTiger said:
    That's just the stuff that's not on PC. All good stuff.
    1000xRESIST, Hades 2, Solium Infernum, Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, Minishoot Adventures, Mullet Madjack, Anamoly Agent, BlazBlue Entropy Effect, Buckshot Roulette, Berserk Boy, Momodora: Moonlit Farewell.
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    Even Asobi gave up on PSVR2 😂😂😂
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    CerebralTiger said:
    I can only imagine, yes, coz no PSVR2 game on PC yet 🤷‍♂️😆
    The best VR game ever will be playable on it, so it's not useless weight now. You just don't need a PS5 for it so 💪😂
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    CerebralTiger said:
    Gran Turismo 7, GTA V (new GTA Online content), 13 Sentinels, Astro's Playroom, Bloodborne, Castlevania: SOTN, Demon's Souls, DMC5 Special Edition (new content), Dragon's Crown, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Odin Sphere, Shadow of the Colossus, The Last Guardian, Wipeout omega collection, Unicorn Overlord, Stellar Blade.
    Now list the ones already out too. God of War is better than any title on this list👌😂
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    Try again 🤣
  • Link
  • CerebralTiger CerebralTiger:
    Necrokiller said:
    Imagine living in a world where Sony is releasing tentpole IPs on Steam, even making PSVR2 compatible with PC now, and still thinking the games will remain exclusive to PS5. Yikes 😂
    Tentpole you say? 😆🤜
  • CerebralTiger CerebralTiger:
    That's just the stuff that's not on PC. All good stuff.
    • Haha
    Reactions: Necrokiller
  • CerebralTiger CerebralTiger:
    Gran Turismo 7, GTA V (new GTA Online content), 13 Sentinels, Astro's Playroom, Bloodborne, Castlevania: SOTN, Demon's Souls, DMC5 Special Edition (new content), Dragon's Crown, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Odin Sphere, Shadow of the Colossus, The Last Guardian, Wipeout omega collection, Unicorn Overlord, Stellar Blade.
  • CerebralTiger CerebralTiger:
    @iampasha now that you have embraced the dark side, allow me to provide you with a list of games that are either only available on PlayStation or are best played on PS5 😆
  • CerebralTiger CerebralTiger:
    Necrokiller said:
    In other news CerebralTiger likely didn't miss but took a hiatus for: Baldur's Gate 3 demolished Lulz of the Kingdom in all Oscar worthy GoTY awards 👌😂
    IGN ne tou TOTK ko dia. They own most other gaming publications now. Will knock some sense into them 😆🤜
  • CerebralTiger CerebralTiger:
    Necrokiller said:
    Imagine living in a world where Sony is releasing tentpole IPs on Steam, even making PSVR2 compatible with PC now, and still thinking the games will remain exclusive to PS5. Yikes 😂
    I can only imagine, yes, coz no PSVR2 game on PC yet 🤷‍♂️😆
  • CerebralTiger CerebralTiger:
    Necrokiller said:
    So by this logic CerebralTiger is admitting the evidence I've collected between CTRON and CerebralTiger too 👌😂. Not sure since when I've been a fan of Firefly tho 🤔
    My evidence is comprehensive. The firefly fan thing is in my VMs somewhere. Find it 😆🤜
    Necrokiller Necrokiller: what on earth are these games even :ROFLMAO:Games you would include in your list if they...