Studying Abroad: Guidelines,Fees and Help thread


Ferrari and Chelsea FTW
Jan 10, 2010
Hey guys i am making this thread in order reduce the traffic of threads regarding "Studying abroad"

So if you are looking to apply to United Kingdom,United states,Australia,Malaysia etc then this is where you should post your questions and various Pg members can post their suggestions over here for your convenience.


Here are some guidelines :


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If you are applying to the U.K you will have to apply through UCAS

you can apply to 5 universities in the U.K in one session,you will need the following things when applying through UCAS.

1: Payment to UCAS:

20 pound for the UCAS registration

2: Personal Information:
When you register, you provide personal details, like your first names, last name, title, gender, date of birth, address, telephone numbers and email address.


1: If you're applying as an individual
If not through a school, college or centre, you will need to answer a few questions to confirm your eligibility before you can start your application.

2: If you're applying through a school, college or centre,
You'll need to obtain a 'buzzword' from the centre you're applying through. This buzzword links your application to your centre so that your referee can write and attach their reference. Once you've completed your application, you send it to your referee who adds the reference, checks and approves your application and sends the completed application to us.


You will have to give the following information too:
Ethnic origin and national identity - you can also select a dual national identity
Activities in preparation for higher education - you can enter details of up to two activities such as summer schools or taster courses
Care, parental education and occupational background


You can choose up to five choices and there's no preference order.
Your application will be sent to all chosen universities and colleges at the same time. Each university and college will only see details of their course or courses that you've applied to. They won't see your other choices until you've received your final decision.


Universities need to know where you've studied and which qualifications you're taking/have taken. You fill in details of your schools or colleges, then list your qualifications, one by one. You must include all schools, colleges and universities that you have attended since the age of 11, even if you withdrew from your course. There is space to enter up to 10 centres.
For each school and college, you provide details of:

  • [*=1]All qualifications for which you have accepted certification from an awarding organisation, even if you're retaking all or part of the qualification
    [*=1]All qualifications for which you are currently studying or awaiting results.(Alevels,Olevels HSD etc)....(if awaiting results then your referee will have to send your predicted scores)
    [*=1]If your first language is not English, you should:

    • [*=1]say whether or not your qualifications were completely or partly assessed in English
      [*=1]enter details for any English language tests you have taken or plan to take.


1: Tell the universities and colleges why they should choose you (PERSONAL statement)
The personal statement is your opportunity to tell universities and colleges about your suitability for the course(s) that you hope to study. You need to demonstrate your enthusiasm and commitment, and above all, ensure that you stand out from the crowd.
What a personal statement should include:

2: Two of the most important things to include are:

  • [*=1]why you're applying for the course you've chosen: this is particularly important when you're applying for a subject that you have not studied before. Tell the university the reasons why that subject interests you, and include evidence that you understand what's required to study the course, eg if applying for psychology courses, show that you know how scientific the subject is.
    [*=1]why you're suitable for the course: tell the universities the skills and experience you have that will help you to succeed on the course.
3: Also think about:

  • [*=1]how your current or previous studies relate to the course(s) that you have chosen
    [*=1]any activities that demonstrate your interest in the course(s)
    [*=1]why you want to go to university or college.

Think about how your hobbies, interests and social activities demonstrate your skills and abilities. If there's anything that relates to your course or to the skills needed to complete a higher education course, include it - the more evidence the better.

Include details of jobs, placements, work experience or voluntary work, particularly if it's relevant to your chosen course(s). Try to link any experience to skills or qualities mentioned in the Entry Profiles.

4: If you're an international student, use the personal statement to tell universities why you want to study in the UK. Also try to answer these questions in your statement:

  • [*=1]Why do you want to study in the UK?
    [*=1]How can you show that you can successfully complete a higher education course that is taught in English? Please say if some of your studies have been taught or examined in English.
    [*=1]Have you taken part in any activities where you have used English outside of your studies?


1: Your referee should know you well enough to write about you and to comment on your suitability for higher education
References are usually written by someone who knows you academically. Most references will talk about you from a teacher's or tutor's perspective: how you work and interact with other students and teachers, for example. Your reference does not have to be academic, but if you're studying or have recently left school or college, a reference from your school or college will be expected.


Who should write the reference?

  • [*=1]Your referee should know you well enough, in an official capacity, to write about you and your suitability for higher education.
    [*=1]If you're at school or college, or left recently, ask your principal, head teacher, teacher or tutor.
    [*=1]If you left school or college several years ago, ask your current or previous employer or in the case of voluntary work your supervisor.
    [*=1]If you've recently attended any training courses you could ask your training provider.
Who should not write the reference?

  • [*=1]It is not permitted for family, friends, partners or ex-partners to write your reference. If we find this to be the case, your application may be cancelled.

Applying through a school, college or other organisation

You won't have access to your reference. This will be completed on your behalf by your centre.
  1. Check that each section of your application is correct and mark them all as complete.
  2. Pay for your application (if applicable) and send it online to your referee.
  3. Your referee will check and approve your application.
  4. Your referee will write the reference.
  5. Your centre will approve the reference and send it to us.
  6. We'll then process your application.

After all of this you just pay and send the application.Then you will either recieve a conditional offer or unconditional offer from your university.

So this is how you apply through UCAS


FEE structure (scroll down once the link is open to see the fee structure)

This is an overlook of the Fee structure of universities in the U.K for 2010/11.
It is absurd to even think tht the fee would have dropped. The fee has actually increased. Since Pakistani students who want to study in the U.K wont go for universities down the pecking order, you should see that the fee for all of the good colleges is above 10k pounds and goes on till 22k pounds
without the costs of living. UK government does not let foreign students work now, so anyone who wants to go to U.K must have extremely deep pockets.

I hope this helps you guys.


visit this site for info and registration


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Send enquiries at least 15 to 18 months before the proposed date of admission. There are three ways to get application forms.

  1. Requesting Application Forms via email : You can request application forms from the universities website. Most universities have a form on their website which can be completed online to request application material.
  2. Requesting Application Forms via Air Mail : The other way is to send a request by airmail for application material. The request should contain a brief description of your educational background, academic objectives, source of financial support, English proficiency and standardized test scores.
  3. Downloading from the university website : Many universities have a downloadable and ready to print versions of their application forms on the net. These can be used for applying just as regular forms.


Admission to a College or University in US requires a completion of twelve years of elementary and secondary education. In the Indian context, this implies qualifying in class 12th examination or junior college as applicable. The acceptable degrees include : Indian School Certificate, Intermediate Certificate, Higher School Certificate, Higher Secondary Certificate, All India Senior School Certificate.

You can either pursue a two-year Associate degree like Associate of Science (A.S.) or a four-year degree like Bachelor of Science (B.S.).


Students who are applying for a Bachelor program or another undergraduate course would be required to submit a secondary school report and transcripts (report cards) of the final exams. The report form should be filled out by a school official like the principal, counselor or headmaster. This form should introduce you in the context of your whole school experience in relation to the other students in your class. Admission committees will be interested in learning how you have performed in your own educational system. The school report should talk about your accomplishments and provide a prediction of your chances for success in university-level studies.

Since there is a variation between the styles of scoring used abroad and the ones used in Pakistan, ask your school to include a guide to the grading standards used in your educational system and your school. If your school ranks students by their level of academic achievement, make certain that the ranking is included with the other details. Also send the school / junior college leaving certificate as and when it is available.

If the transcripts are in a language other than English, then it must be translated into English only by the issuing authority or university otherwise it may not be acceptable.


TOEFL: This test is mandatory for International students applying to a Graduate course or University in US.

Other Require Tests

SAT I : This is required for almost all Courses and Universities.

SAT II : A few Universities may require you to take two or three subject tests.

ACT : A few Universities may also require you to take this test.


Letters of reference or recommendation letters play a very important part in your admission especially in courses that earn you a master’s or doctoral degree. A recommendation letter is a signed statement from a person who knows you well professionally or has taught you in a subject that is related to the course you are applying to. It should list your positive and negative qualities, strengths and other such information.

The author or teacher must indicate his position, how long he/she has known the applicant and in what capacity. He/she should briefly discuss the need, importance and usefulness of the study the applicant proposes to undertake. Authors are usually asked to rank applicants in their letters of recommendation, which helps admission officers to interpret the academic credentials of foreign students. Students should obtain letters of recommendation (often on the prescribed forms sent by the institutions) from teachers who know them as a person as well as a student. You may like to request your author to give concrete examples that may show your qualities and help your case.

Many universities have their own format and questions that have to be answered by the person who is giving the letter of recommendation on your behalf. Letters, which do not give enough information, can jeopardize a candidate’s chances of selection.


The personal essays, and/or statement of purpose, play a very important role in the process of evaluating your application for both admission as well as financial aid because it gives the faculty assessing your application their most significant impression of you as an individual. This section is the key to distinguish your application from other suitable candidates and a chance to market yourself.

A personal statement should include your reasons for choosing a particular course, the suitability of your education and experience for the chosen course, your personal interests and career goals.

Some courses like Business school courses will have their own essay questions and format. Others may ask for a résumé or reasons for applying to that particular course.


You must submit a financial aid application if you desire financial help for your graduate studies in a US university. Financial assistance for non-US citizens is very limited.

The evidence of financial support is required by universities to issue the documents needed for visa application. Although it is a requirement for application, it is usually not taken into consideration into factors that determine admission. Most universities make their admission decisions without regard for the source and amount of financial support.

You would be required to submit documentation of your family’s financial resources to help schools assess your need. Most of the universities have their own financial aid form, which you would have to complete.

You would also be required to submit a bank statement demonstrating your financial capacity to support your education in US. Some US state institutions offer tuition waivers to international students in return for some type of educational contribution.


- Most private university applications are sent via CommonApp ( You fill out the admission form with your details, add supplement forms for every uni you want to apply to (the supplement form is a secondary application unique to each uni, which asks for info that you may have not provided on the main application. All counselor/teacher recommendations and official transcripts are electronically sent via CommonApp. SAT scores are reported directly by the testing agency (CollegeBoard) to the uni (you select recipient unis from their site). Normally you won't need to send anything via post.
P.S. The same main application will be sent to every uni you apply to, so fill it out carefully! Supplement forms however, will only be sent to the respective uni, so feel free to copy essays/material between different supplements.

- State universities have their own applications.

- This is a list of all the "need-blind" universities in USA. What it basically means is that once you get admitted into one of these, the university will give you 100% financial aid which INCLUDES ACCOMMODATION if you're not financially capable to support yourself. In short all you need to do is get admitted to one of these, and after that you can throw financial concerns to the wind:
* Harvard
* Yale
* Princeton
* Stanford
* William's College
* Dartmouth College
* Amherst College
But in case you didn't already know, getting admitted into any of these unis is no joke. They have an intake of less than 10% and all the applicants are extraordinary students to begin with. Generally the kind of people who do get admitted boast off SAT scores of 2300+ and have A TON of extra-curricular activities under their belt.

- No university will ask for both SAT and ACT. Both are alternatives of each other. SAT is the more popular choice.

- Regular decision application deadline for most unis is 1st Jan of the year you plan on getting enrolled in; early decision deadline 1st Oct of the preceding year. There are variations though; UC Berkley for example, has a regular decision deadline of 1st Nov, so be sure to check them well in advance.

- There are virtually no sizable scholarships for international students. Very few exceed a value of over $5000 and most are one-time awards only. Still if you're interested you can search for them on CollegeBoard's website, they have a comprehensive scholarship search engine, but you'll only be able to use it if you register on their site.

- If you're serious about applying to USA, consider giving the SAT when you're in AS level/1st year of intermediate. I can say from personal experience that giving all these standardized tests in A2s with deadlines just around the corner if extremely stressful. Plus there's no chance that you'll be able to appear for a retake if you mess up.

- Like most foreign countries, you have to prove English proficiency too. Some unis will exempt you from this obligation if, for example, you get 700+ in the critical reading section of your SAT, but most will require it anyway. Both IELTS and TOEFL are accepted (test fee = Rs.14k; you can register for it at

As the nation’s most widely used college admission test, the SAT is the first step toward higher education for students of all backgrounds. It’s taken by more than two million students every year and is accepted by virtually all colleges and universities.

There are many reasons to take the SAT, but here are a few of the biggies:

The SAT tests the reading, writing and math skills that you learn in school and that are critical for success in college and beyond.

It gives both you and colleges a sense of how you’ll be able to apply the thinking, writing and study skills required for college course work.

The questions are rigorously researched and tested to make sure students from all backgrounds have an equal chance to do well.
And the test is straightforward. There are no tricks designed to trip you up. Students who do well in the classroom are often the same ones who will do well on the SAT.The SAT also provides the opportunity for you to connect to scholarship opportunities, place out of certain college courses and learn more about your academic strengths.

SAT scores are among the factors considered in college admission. Many schools’ websites share the range of SAT scores reported by their admitted students.

You will need a minimum of US$20,000 to $30,000 per year to cover the costs of tuition, room and board, books, and personal expenses. Some universities cost well over US$45,000 - US$55,000 per year. Very few awards are more than $5,000. The cost of studying in the United States varies widely among universities, and the cost of living varies from location to location.
The chart below shows the range of costs that students can expect to find at various universities:
Room and Board ($4,000 - $12,000)
Books and Supplies ($500 - $1,000)
Health Insurance ($400 - $600)
Personal Expenses ($6000-$10,000)


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Applying to a university in Canada can be competitive, and universities usually receive applications from more prospective students than they can accept. Programs may have quotas or limited enrolment, and admissions committees use both objective and subjective elements of the application process to determine which students are most likely to succeed at the institution.

How to apply

Step 1: Find out what's required

Universities in Canada each set their own admission requirements. Once you have decided where to apply, contact the registrar or admissions office at each institution to find out exactly what's required in their application package. Most Canadian universities provide this information online, and usually have a special website section for international student admission requirements.

Requirements and supporting documents

Most university and college programs have a minimum admission average and specific course requirements; therefore, the main required supporting documents are official high school transcripts (or any post-secondary transcripts, if relevant). Additionally, letters of reference, an essay or letter of intent, résumé, medical form, criminal record check, portfolio, etc. may be required, as specified by a particular institution or program. Each university will provide specific details and instructions on what they require. International students are generally required to submit proof of English proficiency through standardized language test scores. Different universities accept different tests and require different scores, so be sure to find out the specifics.

International students must also show that the quality of the education they received is comparable to that of Canadian institutions. Universities in Canada each have their own criteria for recognizing international student qualifications. Therefore, applicants should contact the university's admissions office to ask about assessing international qualifications. They will inform you about requirements for translation of your documents into English and exactly what qualifications they recognize. Applicants can also contact the Canadian Information Centre for International Credentials (CICIC) for information or recognition and portability of academic qualifications. Some international students choose to consult one of Canada's international credentials evaluation services (also known as international qualifications assessment services), listed below. These agencies charge a fee from around $100- $200 C$.

Ontario: World Education Services (WES)[COLOR=[URL=""]#a9a9a9][/URL] Comparative Education Service (CES); International Credential Assessment Service of Canada (ICAS)[/COLOR]

Alberta: International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS)

British Columbia: International Credential Evaluation Service (ICES)

Manitoba: Academic Credentials Assessment Service - Manitoba (ACAS)

Québec: Centre d'expertise sur les formations acquises hors du Québec (CEFAHQ)

Saskatchewan: International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS)

Northwest Territories: International Qualifications Assessment Service (IQAS)

Other provinces and territories: For credential evaluation services in New Brunswick, Newfoundland and Labrador, Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island, Nunavut or the Yukon contact any of the above-listed offices.

Step 2: Know when to apply

Canada's universities are competitive and popular; therefore, it's good to prepare and apply early. Generally, international students should apply to a Canadian university up to eight months in advance of the expected start date (usually September or January semesters), However, many universities have "rolling-admissions" which means that they consider international students' applications as they come in throughout the year. Some universities in Canada have specific application deadlines for international students that differ from local student deadlines, so make sure to find out which deadline applies to you.

Step 3: submit your application

Many Canadian university applications involve downloading an online undergraduate application form and submitting it either by post or electronically, along with the supporting documents described in the section above. This step also usually includes submitting a non-refundable application fee (usually between $50- $100) which must be received by the institution before their particular deadline. For universities in the province of Ontario, applications are sent to a provincial university application centre website, with supporting documents later sent directly to the institution by the specified deadline. If you are submitting the application by post, make sure to leave enough time for the package to arrive at the university in Canada by the specified deadline.

If your application is accepted, the university will make you an admission offer. Once you accept the admission offer, the university will send you an official letter of acceptance.

Tuition Fees

Tuition fees for international students are generally higher than for domestic students, as international student’s parents do not pay taxes in Canada. These tuition fees can be thousands of dollars higher than domestic fees.Certain degree programs, such as medical school, business, or law, have even higher fees. Community colleges and trade schools offering certificates and diplomas have differing fees depending on the program.Generally, international students pay roughly 2-4 times as much as Canadian students in tuition fees. Generally, the larger schools (which tend to have more internationally-recognized programs) charge more to international students compared to Canadian students. But the education and degree gained in Canada, the cultural immersion, and the learning of English (or French) can be well worth the extra expense.


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Send enquiries at least 12 months before the proposed date of admission. There are two ways to get application forms.

  • Requesting Application Forms via email : You can request application forms from the universities website. Most universities have a form on their website which can be completed online to request application material.
  • Downloading from the university website : Many universities have a downloadable and ready to print versions of their application forms on the net. These can be used for applying just as regular forms.
    Getting applications from University Representatives: You can also get the application forms from many authorized representatives of Australian Universities in your country.


  • Standard X Marksheet
  • Standard XII Marksheet
  • Standard XI Marksheet: Only for those students who are applying for fast track foundation program immediately after completion of Std. XI exam / those who have just completed the standard XII public exam and do not have the marks which will be available only in June.


IELTS: For most courses and universities, International students are required to take IELTS (International English Language Test) which is regularly administered by the British Council. Some universities may accept TOEFL as an alternative.

TOEFL:This test is conducted by ETS for International students applying to a Universities abroad. This is accepted by most Australian universities.

Letter from Institution : Some Universities may waive IELTS/TOEFL if you can get a letter from institution that you have last studied in mentioning that you have been studying in English medium throughout and they are convinced that you are proficient in English.
Important: Please note that IELTS is compulsory for Australian visa for students of many countries like India, Pakistan and Bangladesh.


The personal essays, and/or statement of purpose, also play a very important role in the process of evaluating your application for both admission as well as financial aid because it gives the faculty assessing your application their most significant impression of you as an individual.

A personal statement should include reasons for choosing this particular course, your area of interest, the suitability of your education and experiential background for this course and your personal and present future goals.

Foundation studies

A$16,000–$25,000 per year
A$14000 – $23,000 per year
A$15000–$25,000 per year


Homestay (living with an Australian family)A$110-270 per week
Full Board and mealsA$180-250 per week
University residential collegesA$180-280 per week
University halls of residenceA$100-160 per week
Private or church-owned boarding hostelsA$90-130 per week
Share accommodationA$70-250 per week
Rental accommodationA$100 -400 per week
Secondary school boardingA$8000 -11,000 per year
Hotels and Guest HousesA$80 – 135 per week
Boarding SchoolsA$10000 – 20000 a year
Campus AccommodationA$80 – 250 per week

The average international student in Australia spends about A$360 per week on food, accommodation, clothing, local transport, telephone, gas/electricity, stationery, and entertainment, although this varies significantly by location and lifestyle.

Courtesy Of Syavash)

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1: General info:

One of the better places to study in Asia along with China and Singapore. Population of about 28million, 60% local, about 20% Chinese, 7% Indian and the rest from various countries. Its divided into two portions, Eastern Malaysia out at sea and the Peninsula which is connected to dry land through Thailand, Brunei etc.

2: Why Malaysia?

It's probably not the most obvious choice when it comes to studying abroad, most people would prefer going to the US, UK or Australia but if you're going there, you're looking at a MINIMUM of 20lakhs or above. Then there's the lack of job opportunities for those going to the UK. Other than the financial side, Malaysia's a muslim country and it would have a more homely feel than going Europe or America. The climate's more bearable aswell.

3: Ok so what options do I have?

If you're aiming on studying abroad, you'd obviously want to get into the best universities you can. Here's a list of universities you might want to apply to:

Universities by World Ranking:
(Rankings Source) (You can also use THIS and THIS)

No. 167 University of Malaya
(Overview) (Official Website)
No. 279 University Kebangsaan Malaysia
(Overview) (Official Website)
No. 335 University Sains (Science) Malaysia
(Overview) (Official Website)
No. 358 University Putra Malaysia
(Official Website)
No. 4xx University Teknologi Malaysia
(Overview) (Official Website)

International Universities Based in Malaysia:

There are two universities based in Malaysia, one from the UK and one from Australia:

No. 74 University of Nottingham
(Official Website) (Wikipedia)
No. 60 Monash University
(Official Website) (Wikipedia)

4: How much will it cost?

The Malaysian currency, the Ringgit is worth 29PKR as of now. Tuition fees for undergraduate programmes ranges between 18-40,000 Ringgit depending on where you study with the Malaysian institutes being cheaper and the Internatianal Universities on the higher end. For Post-Graduate courses and specific fees for each university, check their website.

While it's obvious, you're not making a substantial saving in tuition fees SPECIALLY if you go to Nottingham or Monash (their fees compared to their campuses in Perth and Nottingham are about 10-30% less at most), Malaysia is really cheap to live in. For a single student, about 1000 Ringgit is enough on a monthly basis not including accommodation.

5: Application Process and Entry Requirements:

Entry requirements vary depending on what qualifications you have. Assuming you're giving your CIE's, BBB would get you admissions into most places. As for the application process, that again depends on the institution but there is no central body that you have to go through such as UCAS (UK) or ATAR (AUS)

6: MISC.

Here are a few websites you might find useful:

Ranking of Malaysian Universities by the Government as of 2009

Campus Malaysia: 3rd Party Website for General info on institutes, courses, fees and other things.

"Applying to German Universities" (
Courtesy Of@Wajhi)

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Section 1: Pre Application.

First of all you have to visit DAAD website. Search for all the courses you are interested. Check out the basic requirements and also check the webpage of that particular program. You can also find the information about other programs by visiting the mentioned websites. Also you can collect information by contacting with seniors students or on different yahoo groups to have up-to-date information.
When you are done with short listing the Universities and Programs, check out the requirements of that particular program by visiting the webpage of that program (IELTS/TOEFL, GRE or German Language etc). Ideally you should have IELTS/TOEFL. GRE is not compulsory in all Universities but compulsory for some programs/Universities (TUKL, TUHH etc). If you have GRE then it can give you an advantage for admission, but normally Universities consider academics only.
International Master Programs are usually in English, but there are some programs partially in German Language. If the course requires you to have German Language then you can learn in the nearest GOETHE Institute or any private institute also.

Section 2: Application Procedure.

Normally you have to apply online for a program through particular program website (not for all the Universities). Following information/documents you have to provide:
1. Personal Details.
2. Academic Qualifications (Bachelor -> 12th -> 10th).
3. Work Experience (also Internship).
4. Research experience or Publications.
5. Information about recommenders. (Usually 2/3).
6. Statement of Purpose or Letter of Motivation.
As said before some Universities first demand to have online application. In this online application they short list the candidates for further procedure, but in some Universities after online application you get a PDF format application form (filled by you online) and you have to send that particular application form to University along with required documents.
Now coming to documents you need.

1. Transcript and Degree.

Usually you have to send the transcript of you bachelor transcript/degree. If you are still studying at time of application then you can send the result of previous semesters and later you can provide them the full transcript. (I don’t know what is the time limit because never experienced it).
• You can attest the Transcript/degree from your University/Notary Public. Normally Universities demand notarized documents. Some Universities also demand transcript/degree attested by the University in sealed envelope (like TU Darmstadt), in this case you have to send as it is recommended.


For IELTS you can attest it by Notary Public. For TOEFL/GRE you have to the send the result through ETS. As I know they charge some amount to send your result to respective institute. I don’t know the whole procedure because I had IELTS.

3. Letter of Recommendation.

Normally Universities demand 2 Letters of Recommendation. If you are working in any organization then you should have one Letter by the Employer and one from the educational institute where you studied your last degree. If you are still in college, get two recommendation letters from your professors. Try your best to get it from a professor who has a PhD and not from a junior lecturer or an assistant professor. It is always recommended to have the letter neatly formatted , spell checked and printed under the college letter head or under the letter head of the concerned professor and don’t forget to get the signature and seal of the professor in the letter. Once the letter is complete, put it an envelope carrying the name of your college. If that’s not available put it in a white envelope, seal it using good quality glue and take a seal and signature of your professor across the flap of the envelope. Please avoid using brown, orange or any other envelopes for recommendation letters.
Following details should be on LOR.
• Full name of Recommender.
• Email and Telephone Contacts.
• Position of recommender.
• Name of University.
Important: Some universities have their own specific format for recommendation letters. You need to download the form, get it filled by the recommenders and send it to the university in a sealed envelope. Make sure you visit the university website or contact the course coordinator to know exactly how the recommendation letters need to be sent (like in TU Munchen you fill the online application form and then you get PDF format of filled application form along with LORs at the end).

4. Statement of Purpose (also Letter of Motivation/Intent).

This is the most important part of an application. Spend considerable time on preparing, refining, and proof reading this document. Think of what will go through an admission committee members mind if he/she finds silly spelling or grammatical mistakes in your SOP!! It’s a clear indication of lack of professionalism on your part. Keep it short – within a page or two. Focus on why you are interested in that particular specialization, how your BE course has prepared you for this particular specialization (give details about your electives, projects, seminars etc.,), your long term research interests, possible research topics for your MS thesis and what are your plans after completing the master’s course.
Important: Do not copy readymade SOP’s available in the internet. Use it as a template but blatant copy-paste job makes it easier for the reviewers spot it and that can ruin your chances!

5. CV

Detailed CV (one or two pages) containing your personal information, educational information (bachelor’s and 12th grade is sufficient), work experience (including any internships), paper presentation in national or international seminars, publications in reputed journals and your hobbies/extracurricular activities. In the extracurricular activities section mention only about the recognition or prizes won at the state, national or international events. Do not include stuff like won inter-school dancing competition while in 5th grade or adjudged as the best singer of our apartment block!!!
6. Other Documents.

If you have other documents you can send them along with your application package, but don’t send useless documents/which are not necessary for admission decision.

Section 3: Sending Documents.

Once you are prepared with your all required documents, send them to the university/department address via courier. You can use any courier service which is reliable. In my case sometimes I used DHL and most of times I used Pakistan Post (Registered Service Only). DHL takes 4-5 working days and Pakistan Post takes about 15-20 working days. Fortunately I had no problem with anyone of above. So make one packet and put all your required documents in an order. There is no specific order for putting your documents but for guidance you can use the following order. (In descending order)
1. Application form (University’s/Department)
2. Educational documents(MS-> BS-> Fsc-> etc)
3. Language certificate (everyone which is available or required).
4. Statement of Purpose/Letter of Intent.
5. Experience certificate/Extra qualification certificates.
6. Any extra document which is required.
7. Letters of recommendation.
Usually don’t staple the documents. Only just put them in one big envelop and go to the respective courier.
Once again use attested copies of your documents and don’t use photocopy of attested copy. Also don’t send any original document. For any specific information it is better to be in contact with course co-ordinator for any extra document or about attestation of documents but normally as I said before Notary Public is enough (in my case I attested through Notary Public or through my University). If university asks you sealed documents then do as requested (in case of TU Darmstadt they ask the attestation of degree by the respective university and in sealed envelop).
So at this point your documents are ready to send. So send them and keep on tracing them. Usually university respond you immediately after they receive your document but sometimes they don’t reply immediately so don’t worry if your documents are delivered then no need to worry about misplacement here.

Section 4: Decision Time:

Normally Universities take 2-3 months for making decision. Sometimes they make overall decision for all the candidates and sometimes they make decision after regular time intervals. It is not necessary also that university makes decision after the deadline. They can make decision before the deadline also (like TU Darmstadt etc) but at least you have to wait until the deadline or the date they give you for final results.

Section 5: Learning German:

During the decision period you can join any institute to learn German language because it’s better to have some idea about German language beforehand so that you would be able to make conversation with people here.
There are many institutes offering German Language courses.
1. GOETHE Institute (Lahore and Karachi)
3. Punjab University.
There are also many other private institutes those offer German courses so you can join whatever you like.

Section 6: Admission Decision:

Once you get admission your university informs you through email/softcopy of your admission letter and after 15-30 days you get your hard copy of admission letter at your home.
In case of negative response they also inform you about it (sometimes they don’t inform through hard copy; only through Email.)

Section 7: Bank Account Opening:

Once you get admission then you have to open bank in Deutsche Bank. You go the respective Deutsche bank branch with your admission Letter, Passport and National ID card. If you have short time and your hardcopy of admission letter is not available then you can make print of your soft copy and show them. They accept in either case (they just need admission Letter).
Follow the following steps for account opening:

1. Go to the embassy’s website before going to the bank and find the amount which is required to be blocked ( in my case it was 7776 Euro with monthly limit of 648 Euro and you have to mention this amount on the form which the Bank will provide you for filling out the information). So fill out the required information and ask them for help if you need it.
2. After filling out the application form and stamped by the Deutsche Bank branch you have to send that application form along with the copy of admission letter and your passport to the desired address (this address will be available on the application form). Photocopy of your Passport and admission letter should be attested by the Deutsche Bank branch (they will return you above three documents fully attested).
3. Once you complete the documents, send them through DHL or any other courier service ( I did through DHL).
4. After 4-5 working days you get information about your bank details through an email (pdf file). Once you get your bank information then you have to transfer the required amount to this bank account. You can use the foreign currency account (Your’s/your father/any other member/friend; I used of my friend to transfer the amount). If you don’t find it then you can transfer the amount through Dollar East also. It is also a safe way to send but they charge extra amount. You can check for latest rates.
5. Once you will transfer the amount from Pakistan then after 3-5 working days you get the notification by Deutsche Bank the you amount has been transferred( Pdf through Email). One page will be in German and One page will be in English stating your amount in the bank account). At embassy you have to show only print of this Pdf file (no other financial proof).

1. Minimum amount should be 7776 Euro in your account with monthly condition of 648. But better you transfer more than 7778 Euro because once your amount will be here they will charge around 15 Euro and later 50 Euro when you will activate your account after coming in Germany. So it’s better to transfer 100-150 Euro extra. Any extra amount more than 7776 Euro will not be blocked; you can get this amount directly after coming here. So you can deposit extra amount which you like.
2. Sometimes it happens that you open account on the base of admission letter of one university and later you go to another University, but that doesn’t matter because you can access your account anywhere in Germany and you can activate at any Deutsche Bank branch here after coming ( for example I’ve my account in Munich because first I had the intention for TU Munich but later I applied visa for University of Stuttgart; so this thing doesn’t matter).
Link for Deutsche Bank Pakistan:

Section 8: Embassy Appointment:

(For Islamabad case only; because there is somehow little different case in Karachi)
When you send your bank documents to Hamburg (for account opening) then at that time call the German Embassy to take an appointment for visa because they give you appointment after time period of 20-30 days (because in winter semester many students apply for visa and Embassy processes around 20 candidates per day). So it’s better to take appointment well before time and during this time your account and amount transfer will be done. They ask you about your name, date of birth and give you date and time for your interview (with token number).
You have to take appointment by phone. Use this link to make an appointment:
German Missions in Pakistan - Home

Section 9: Visa Documents:

Now you have to prepare for visa interview and prepare your documents. Following are the documents required. Arrange them in the same order which is mentioned here (otherwise you have to arrange at time of Interview). You need 3 sets of documents (make one original set and 2 sets of photocopies in following order for Original and same for Copies).
1. Application form.
2. Passport Copy (1st four Pages only)
3. List of Relative and children outside Pakistan.
4. Security Questionnaire.
5. Applicant’s Declaration.
6. CV
7. Academic Documents (Degree->Transcript->HSSC->SSC).
8. Other educational and Experience documents.
9. Proof of Blocked account (print of Pdf file); only German page is enough.
10. Health Insurance (here you have to show your travel insurance which you can get through companies mentioned on Embassy’s website. It is not necessary at time of Interview but it’s better to take with you because I didn’t take and she said to send it later through Fax).
11. IELTS or German Language Skills.
All the above documents are important other than at # 8 (because they don’t consider it for study visa and it’ll only make more documents). Well you have to attest only your original documents (no need to attest photocopies). Original degree+transcript through HEC/Foreign Office and HSSC+SSC through IBCC/Foreign Office.
You are also required 4 photographs. Staple 3 photos on application forms on the space available for photos (don’t paste) and put the 4th photo with a paper clip on original application form. All documents should be duly signed by the candidate where it is required.
So that’s it with arranging your documents.

Section 10: Visa Interview:

For Karachi:

Go to German Consulate, which is just along szabist university Karachi. Go there at 6.30 (a german comes and gives token) ,t hen you head to the gate and wait till 8.30 then the people with token move into the waiting room which has the application window and a small interview room.. when I went, the lady called the student applicants first, then she went with token number, so even though I was 27 token, I went 1st. and then my interview with a very plesent germany lady took place

MAKE SURE YOU HAVE ALL THE DOCUEMENTS IN SETS..i.e Following are the documents required. Arrange them in the same order which is mentioned here (otherwise you have to arrange at time of Interview). You need 3 sets of documents (make one original set and 2 sets of photocopies in following order for Original and same for Copies).

1. Application form.
2. Passport Copy (1st two Pages only)
3. List of Relative and children outside Pakistan.
4. Security Questionnaire.
5. Applicant’s Declaration.
6. CV
7. Academic Documents (Degree->Transcript->HSSC->SSC).
8. Other educational and Experience documents.
9. Proof of Blocked account (print of Pdf file)

NOTE: its good to have both docs in english and german

When giving interview , don’t lie, or try to fool them. Be clam and smile a lot and learn a few words like “Danke /Bitte” (Thanks/Welcome..they can be mixed up don’t worry:D)

You should be there well before time. You can use Shuttle Bus Service to go to embassy which will be available outside Diplomat Enclave. You should be at Shuttle Service station 45-60 mints before starting your interview because it takes some time to purchase ticket and other such stuff. So at your assigned time you will enter in the Embassy and there will be a counter when you enter in Main Hall. You have to deposit visa fee (60 Euro) at that counter and you will get a receipt (more information you can find on Embassy’s website). You will find your token under specific counter. So you have to go at that counter and have to appear for Interview.
Following are the questions usually asked during your Interview:
1. What you have studied?
2. What are you going to study?
3. How long this course is?
4. Why you selected this University and course?
5. How you find information about this course/university?
6. Do you have any friend in Germany?
7. About family (members, what they do)?
8. About family financial status?
9. Who is going to finance you?
10. Some other general questions related to you/famil/course etc.
Interview will be for about 15-20 mints. During the interview answer all the questions confidently.
So now you are done with your interview. After 4-8 weeks you get response about your visa.
Wish you best of Luck. May ALLAH help all of you.
This information is for public use so guide the other students as much as possible for you.

I hope these guidelines help you guys out :D
Last edited:


Well-known member
Oct 10, 2009
do we get work permit now after studying ,
Yea you don't, any students graduating after 2012 shall not receive PSWV or post study work visa.

---------- Post added at 11:04 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:02 PM ----------

aand asshad, do give links to official websites in your post, like ucas and add info about US and Canada, SATs and stuff.


Ready Player One
Sep 3, 2011
USS Voyager
@WajieRaja correct the spelling of his name man!

@Ashhad great work man. Lets just keep it civil and carry on :)

and Yes we need information about USA as well. Do that whenever its feasible for you.

Thank you.

Keep calm and carry on.


Ferrari and Chelsea FTW
Jan 10, 2010
@WajieRaja correct the spelling of his name man!

@Ashhad great work man. Lets just keep it civil and carry on :)

and Yes we need information about USA as well. Do that whenever its feasible for you.

Thank you.

Keep calm and carry on.
thanks blastwave....ill try to upload info about S.A.T's and USA(usa isnt my expertise but ill ask some friends to help me with the info)
i will upload info about S.A.T's and Advance Placement tests which are needed if one wants to apply to usa

anyone who has proper info about how to apply to usa and austrailian universities,please pm me with the details so that i can add it to the opening post.


Ready Player One
Sep 3, 2011
USS Voyager
Wait a minute!

A friend of mine got a work permit while he was a student in UK!

Its possible eh!

---------- Post added at 11:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 PM ----------

thanks blastwave....ill try to upload info about S.A.T's and USA(usa isnt my expertise but ill ask some friends to help me with the info)
i will upload info about S.A.T's and Advance Placement tests which are needed if one wants to apply to usa

anyone who has proper info about how to apply to usa and austrailian universities,please pm me with the details so that i can add it to the opening post.
And also about Graduate students.

Those who want to apply for masters degrees.

Thank you very much


Mar 10, 2010
The only reason I'm not opting for U.k is we don't get a work permit after studying other than that help me out guys
How are studies in Ireland minus the living costs as my elder brother lives there he will accommodate me as for studies go do we get a work permit after we complete our studies and which is a feasible option if I go there:
1.Do A-levels then move or
2.Move after completing O-levels

My O-levels will be completed in May FYI


Ferrari and Chelsea FTW
Jan 10, 2010
Wait a minute!

A friend of mine got a work permit while he was a student in UK!

Its possible eh!

---------- Post added at 11:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:26 PM ----------

And also about Graduate students.

Those who want to apply for masters degrees.

Thank you very much
no work permit for guys who will graduate after 2011 :p

and yeah i will add everything..just give me some time :D

---------- Post added at 11:42 PM ---------- Previous post was at 11:41 PM ----------

The only reason I'm not opting for U.k is we don't get a work permit after studying other than that help me out guys
How are studies in Ireland minus the living costs as my elder brother lives there he will accommodate me as for studies go do we get a work permit after we complete our studies and which is a feasible option if I go there:
1.Do A-levels then move or
2.Move after completing O-levels

My O-levels will be completed in May FYI
do alevels then move.....


Ferrari and Chelsea FTW
Jan 10, 2010
Why doesn't anyone care about malaysia, great studies and cheap rates!! like only 6-7 lac per year
bhai we all do...just gimme time i will upload everything....please gimme only human


Ready Player One
Sep 3, 2011
USS Voyager
Lets just keep this thread for US, UK and possibly Australia for starters.

Relevant information about more countries can be added later.


Ferrari and Chelsea FTW
Jan 10, 2010
Awesome thread, I'm currently researchin on Malaysia so I can help you with it to SOME extent later on :p
thanks sya....just pm me the details...i hope my cuzin helps u with everything :D

Lets just keep this thread for US, UK and possibly Australia for starters.

Relevant information about more countries can be added later.
yeah ill finish the page with full info about aus soon in about a and usa sections are complete :D

Good work there :)
thank you jayzzy :D

Wisely put
Malaysia truly asia :D
right now i am working on filling up the info about aus...once im done with tht i will add malaysia too....with time you will see this thread flourish :D

ok USA section has been uploaded feel free to check it out and lemme know if u find anything missing :D


Lord of the First Order
Aug 20, 2007
Ok so any one can tell me which countries give work permit , after studies , and after how much study ,
Post graduate Diploma's etc

Please add of Canada as many people are opting Canada these days , Also Off topic : Every body should visit dawn Education expo , its in ISL , LHR , KHI check the dates its starting early feb , lot of foriegen universities coming there , we can grab some info from there as well of fee's etc
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  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    Nixxes rep 🤜:ROFLMAO:
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  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    Ab to rona aata hai isski haalat dekh ker
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  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    Bas bechara lists hi banata rehta hai ab to some how save face and justify investing in PS5/PSVR2 :LOL:
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    EternalBlizzard said:
    unicorn overlord to bakwas game he yar emulator pe khela :ROFLMAO: Attack karne gya to enemy 10 hp se bachra ta, assist enable kari aur phr mara to enemy to pora sahi salim tha ulta mera unit margya :ROFLMAO:
    Come on Blizzy, what do you expect from CerebralTiger? Jo bhi game PC pe na ho wo "GENRE DEFINING MUST PLAY GOOD STUFF GOTYYYY" hojata hai :ROFLMAO:
    • Haha
    Reactions: EternalBlizzard
  • EternalBlizzard EternalBlizzard:
    CerebralTiger said:
    Gran Turismo 7, GTA V (new GTA Online content), 13 Sentinels, Astro's Playroom, Bloodborne, Castlevania: SOTN, Demon's Souls, DMC5 Special Edition (new content), Dragon's Crown, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Odin Sphere, Shadow of the Colossus, The Last Guardian, Wipeout omega collection, Unicorn Overlord, Stellar Blade.
    unicorn overlord to bakwas game he yar emulator pe khela :ROFLMAO: Attack karne gya to enemy 10 hp se bachra ta, assist enable kari aur phr mara to enemy to pora sahi salim tha ulta mera unit margya :ROFLMAO:
    • Haha
    Reactions: Necrokiller
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    CerebralTiger said:
    what on earth are these games even :ROFLMAO:
    Games you would include in your list if they weren't on PC 🤣
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    CerebralTiger said:
    Every game on that list is far, far better than Borenarok from my perspective 😆🤜
    Metacritic to kuch aur hi bata raha hai, who cares about your perspective 🤜🤣
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    CerebralTiger said:
    Luckily for me, I don't count experiences as games 😆🤜
    Yet you listed The Lulz Guardian and 13 Sentilulz as games 🤣🤣🤣
  • XPremiuM XPremiuM:
    lol. Nintendo games are literally for kids. But to burst some bubbles, I'd like to point out that there are numerous Nintendo emulators available for PC, including multiple Switch emulators. Game compatibility is also pretty good, with overrated games like " Super Mario Odyssey ", "Breath of the WIld" & "Xenoblade Chronicles 2" all being playable. Sour grapes are hard to swallow, i know... :sneaky:
    • Like
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  • CerebralTiger CerebralTiger:
    Lore lei? Am I reading this right? :ROFLMAO:
  • CerebralTiger CerebralTiger:
    Necrokiller said:
    1000xRESIST, Hades 2, Solium Infernum, Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, Minishoot Adventures, Mullet Madjack, Anamoly Agent, BlazBlue Entropy Effect, Buckshot Roulette, Berserk Boy, Momodora: Moonlit Farewell.
    The what? Outside of early access stuff like Hades 2 and Blazblue, which will be on consoles once they're out of early access, what on earth are these games even :ROFLMAO:
  • CerebralTiger CerebralTiger:
    Necrokiller said:
    Now list the ones already out too. God of War is better than any title on this list👌😂
    Every game on that list is far, far better than Borenarok from my perspective 😆🤜
  • CerebralTiger CerebralTiger:
    Necrokiller said:
    The best VR game ever will be playable on it, so it's not useless weight now. You just don't need a PS5 for it so 💪😂
    Luckily for me, I don't count experiences as games 😆🤜
  • CerebralTiger CerebralTiger:
    These misconceptions are downright hilarious. The best console games are made by Nintendo, and you get nothing from them on PC. And I laughed so hard at "better online experience". Literally the worst place to play any multiplayer game is PC. Cheater/hacker heaven of a platform :sick:
  • XPremiuM XPremiuM:
    PC gaming is literally at the peak of elitism right now. Literally all the best games from all the other platforms ends up on PC with better graphics/performance. The traditional PC advantages are also present (better performance/graphics on multi-platform games), better online experience, better game stores, best older games compatibility, emulator support, best mod support, best trainer support, and the list is endless. The console kids can point out at specific individual games & be like "but mah game is nawt availabul on yer platzformm", an i say " we really don't care". Nobody cares about a missing dish when you're at the buffet & can enjoy all the best dishes. :sneaky:
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  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    CerebralTiger said:
    IGN ne tou TOTK ko dia. They own most other gaming publications now. Will knock some sense into them 😆🤜
    How does that change anything?
    History has been made now. 🤜 :LOL:
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    Thats just from these past 5 months that is not on PS5. "All good stuff" :ROFLMAO:
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    CerebralTiger said:
    That's just the stuff that's not on PC. All good stuff.
    1000xRESIST, Hades 2, Solium Infernum, Lorelei and the Laser Eyes, Minishoot Adventures, Mullet Madjack, Anamoly Agent, BlazBlue Entropy Effect, Buckshot Roulette, Berserk Boy, Momodora: Moonlit Farewell.
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    Even Asobi gave up on PSVR2 😂😂😂
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    CerebralTiger said:
    I can only imagine, yes, coz no PSVR2 game on PC yet 🤷‍♂️😆
    The best VR game ever will be playable on it, so it's not useless weight now. You just don't need a PS5 for it so 💪😂
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    CerebralTiger said:
    Gran Turismo 7, GTA V (new GTA Online content), 13 Sentinels, Astro's Playroom, Bloodborne, Castlevania: SOTN, Demon's Souls, DMC5 Special Edition (new content), Dragon's Crown, Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, Odin Sphere, Shadow of the Colossus, The Last Guardian, Wipeout omega collection, Unicorn Overlord, Stellar Blade.
    Now list the ones already out too. God of War is better than any title on this list👌😂
  • Necrokiller Necrokiller:
    Try again 🤣
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    Necrokiller Necrokiller: Nixxes rep 🤜:ROFLMAO: